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Up Next in Music with Miss Merry: Volumes 1-3 (Yearly Rental)

  • Stomp the Floor

    Children viewers will exercise gross motor skills and follow along with Miss Merry to this upbeat stomping song which teaches not only musical concepts, such as dynamics, but tells a story about children who love to dance so loudly that they disturb their grandmother who lives downstairs. But, th...

  • Things That Go Round

    Filmed at Adventurer's Park in Brooklyn, Miss Merry and children spend the day at a children's amusement park and point out all the rides, games, and activities that both 'go round, and are circular in nature. A theme in many of these videos, children learn how to make connections between various...

  • Keep On Truckin'

    Children engage in pretend play as truck drivers in this fun video while learning about different kinds of trucks, such as tow trucks, firetrucks, ice cream trucks, postal trucks, and tractors!