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Up Next in Music with Miss Merry: Volumes 1-3 (Weekly Rental)

  • Willow Tree in the Wind

    Children learn about nature and the seasons as a little girl tells a story about her relationship and friendship with a willow tree throughout fall, winter, spring and summer. This delightful animated video explores the emotional connection between humans and nature through a child's eyes.

  • Frogs Eat Butterflies

    Children are introduced to ecology concepts in this video inspired by the Wallace Stevens poem "Frogs Eat Butterflies." Set in a pretend play, early century setting, Merry and a child make observations about how animals rely on other animals for survival.

  • Bubbles

    Set in a Hawaiian play space, children learn all the exciting and interesting bubbles that can be created as Jeff Boyer, a bubble artist performs his bubble magic. For children at home or at school, this is the perfect opportunity to exercise fine motor skills and pop bubbles!